
Did You Know?

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Lend and Earn with
Next Payday
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Enjoy monthly Funds flow
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Partner with Next Payday. Be a Colender

Everyone can be a

With funding starting @₦30,000, it is simple and affordable.


Short Circle

Loan funds averages 3-12 months and your funds come back with payback value on payback day.

Here is why

We believe that money should work for everyone in a safe and secured environment.
We make it even better with embedded passive income of up to 30% per annum.

Escrow Account

All funds are fully escrowed by regulated escrow manager before disbursal and on loan repayments.

Screened Borrowers

We provide loans to employees of profiled companies with good credit history and repayment ability.

We get paid from source

We get paid before borrowers receive the residue to their bank account.

Stable and High Returns

We fund loans to salary earners only with recovery from payroll and salary account Guaranteed return per loan is 30%.

Credit Life Insurance

Ensures that nothing is left to chance.
We protect your funds all the way

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We are building a partnership that pays!

Our mission is to pave way for the future of finance by creating a marketplace for individuals and institutions to earn, make impact and support access to funds by validly employed Nigerians digitally

Choice of products

Co-lenders have full privilege to choose loan category to back.

100% transparent

Get full complete insight on all your loan funds such as loan number, amount, returns and payback date.

Boost your income

Use your monthly funds flow to back new request to boost your money exponentially.

Auto Invest

Set auto fund and funding preferences to get your funds making you more money.
Save yourself the hassle of visiting the marketplace to seek for transactions.

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